Faith, Hope and Love, the greatest of these of these is LOVE. |
The Selsor Family |
This page will be updated after the Hedman surprise party. Yeah, I wish that was our house—haha. |
Sarah with her cousin Gretchen at her first birthday party. |
Daddy was out of town so we didn’t want him to miss this precious moment. |
Sarah less than 24 hours old with her Auntie Beth and cousin Meghan at the hospital. |
Sarah’s 1st birthday party |
Sarah - 2 weeks old |
Sarah’s first day of life |
Type a description of the project, client, or activity. Change the picture to one of your own, such as a picture of the project. |
Our family friend, Rod Bray, took these amazing pictures of Sarah at a studio in his home. |
Our Precious Little Princess - 2 months old |
Project name 5 |
Selsor Family Photos |